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Community Values Survey (Fall 2023)

This survey is an invitation for you to help us update, identify, and reconnect with Indy Hall's shared purpose and values. We’ll ask you to share your personal values, the values you see (and want to see) expressed within Indy Hall as a community, and more.

Tick the box at the end of the survey if you're interested in learning about or participating in an Indy Hall "culture committee" that will help make sure we're living up to our values and finding new ways to support each other. This survey is just the first step in co-creating that committee. More on that soon!

Special thanks to Kara Lindstrom, Alan Bush, and everyone who attended August's Community Town Hall for all your insight and guidance toward this survey!

What is your name?

What is your email?

What are 3 of your core values? These are often thought of as the guiding principles or lenses through which you make bigger decisions. If it’s helpful, a list of values can be found here from Brené Brown’s work.

What does each of these values mean to you? We know that values are personally defined, and the same words don’t mean the same thing between everyone. Feel free to use real world examples, and describe these values however you see fit.

Tell us about a time when you felt alignment / connection / sense of belonging with Indy Hall. We call this an "Indy Hall Moment".

Are you comfortable with our sharing your Indy Hall Moment (from the previous question) with the Indy Hall community?

Are you comfortable with our sharing your Indy Hall Moment (from the previous question) with the Indy Hall community?

Are you interested in being part of an Indy Hall Culture Committee?

Are you interested in being part of an Indy Hall Culture Committee?